Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I am worried nowadays at the state of affair of the Malaysian media in placing high value in the type of materials they print which are seditious and allegatory in nature. Allegations and rumors seem to make to the front page quite frequently lately regardless whether there are any truth in them. I supposed this is not new as bad news, scandals and conflicts are considered news and sell papers like hot the saying " no news are good news", that is because most news in the papers are bad news!

The question is how far should this be allowed to go on without affecting the moral
responsibilities the news companies are supposed to have? Is profit and share price the ultimate goal?.. regardless of how the allegations and rumors affect the society and cause irreversable damages to this country....doesn't anyone care to investigate first to see if there is any truth to any allegations or rumors certain parties are spreading before sending for printing...or who gives a damn as long as the story is hot and can sell so lets put it in the front page! Where do we draw the line?

Funny, i just received an email spreading rumor on the petrol station strike across the i should rush and fill my tank! I believe the same rumor was reported in some major local newspapers about this issue in Sabah and up north yesterday. I said to myself...f**k it, what, no petrol...i just cycle to work then! The thing is, the common man on the streets is as much to blame for being so gullible to even a hint of bad news from rumors and not using his brain to think for a while whether there is any truth in the rumors. What happen to us Malaysian? We are becoming so easily manipulated and conditioned by what we watch on tv and read in the papers that we just accept everything they throw our way as the truth? What happens to the logic and reason that are supposed to guide us to a civil society? Why are some people like to jump on the bandwagon with a herd mentality whenever an allegation and rumors spread?
The sad part about the whole thing is that when the dust settles down and the truths came out and proven that the allegations and rumors were not true, nobody cares about the damages, destroyed reputation to the affected individuals, broken families and most important to this country's image. They just flock to the next one created by another irresponsible person who could not care less of the effects on other people's lives as long as his/her agenda is achieved. If not properly controlled, it could create chaos, loss of confidence in the authority and eventually a state of anarchy! So, think before you say anything seditious!

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