Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I opened up the paper today and saw more and more bad news..what is this world has turned into? The world in chaos...and Malaysia my beloved country, is coughing and about to have flu..the political scenario is getting worse. Today Sabah's political party dropped a bombshell by suggesting the vote of no confidence against PM, tomorrow God knows what else. This has not done the economy any favors, personnally i am at the losing share value has dropped as the market jitters and KLCI drops more and more. My hard earned saving is slipping in value just like that...just because some politicians wanted to be in the limelight by raising controversy issues, and claimed he or she is championing the so called Rakyat's interests. The truth is not everybody enters politics for this noble reason. Some do it because to genuinely serve the Rakyat or do it as a result of frustration with the current government and feeling they could do a better job, some do it to be popular and respected, and self interests. Some of them will do anything just to make their political life is not dead and buried. The reality is it is easier to destroy something in existence than to create a new one. Some people are just very good in complaining while offer no idea for a better option. That is politics. To me, it easier to fix a problem with a faithful car than changing the car, which does not guarantee that it wont have any problems.
The issue of petrol price increase though also affecting my petrol cost per month, may be hard for most people to accept but was manipulated by certain parties resulting in a demonstration in front of KLCC. The joke is a lot of people think that Petronas has so much control over the street price of the petrol, the truth is Petronas is only one of many oil producing companies in the world, and at 400,000 barrels a day Petronas is not a major player. The ones that control the market price is the major future trading houses in United Kingdom and US. They trade everyday using a predicted future oil demand and prices, not to mention the political bad news like wars, change of government that popped up around the world especially in the oil producing region that can affect the price. Of course, had the current government done a better job doing promo on tv, radio and newspaper explaining the mechanism of fixing oil price, the man on the street will be less emotional and will not be easily manipulated.
The truth is we need politicians like we need lawyers, police force, civil servants, street hawkers, you and me....but we also need self control and think about the effect of our actions before we create something controversial that affects other people's lives...just to serve our narrow interests. I still want my beloved country Malaysia to be intact, the streets are safe to walk at night, and living standards is manageable....will i still have it tomorrow? I will wait and see...

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