Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I have been under a lot stress lately with what is going in my private life and of course my work which is so demanding. Add to that, living in Kuala Lumpur is my worst nightmare with traffic jams, potholes, road closures, bad drivers, neighbor's dog barking non-stop 24 hours a day and thousand of other things. Sometimes i wish i could just live in the jungle close to nature for a few weeks just to escape the whole thing, which is not possible unless i own the company.A lot of people in the city have their own ways to escape daily stress, some are healthy, but some are very subjective.

I like to escape my daily stress through watching movies. It is amazing that for a short two or three hours you can forget it all by being absorbed into the world of the movie you are watching. Of course it is a temporary escapism at a very affordable price, but it is worth it. For the duration, we forgot about our problems and focused on the characters' lives, some are make believe but some are familiar to our real world. At the end of the day, we realise that everybody has problems to deal with, we may learn some of the tricks in the movies to solve our real world problems, at a cost of the admisson ticket.
The latest movies i watched were Ironman and Narnia Prince Caspian. I have to say Ironman is the better of the two movies as the plot and characters were better developed than Narnia. Of course, i am bit biased as i had been reading Marvel comics since i was ten years old. The CGI in both movies was heavy with Ironman had the upperhand. Maybe i am still affected with the Transformer CGI affects and prefer the heavy action movies against fantasy type movies like Narnia. The problem is i was dissappointed with the character of Prince Caspian who seems weak and selfish, in his motive to lead the Narnians to rebel against his uncle. Handsome as he was, Prince Caspian was not as strong a leader as the movie title suggested.

Ironman on the other hand represents the struggle of good over evil in oneself for Tony Stark. He was successful, own a billion dollar company, a very good looking elligable bachelor, a genius in physics and science, a could have it all kind of character but decided to lose it all in order to do the right thing, that my friend takes a lot of gut which i respect in a man.
The Ironman movie also taught me one thing though, that your worse enemy could be the closest person to you without you knowing it. This seems to reflect to a certain degree what i am facing in the real world which caused me to have unnessesary stress lately. Funny, how movies reflect life. Unfortunately, we cannot swap our lives like we keep changing the movies we watch when we do not like it.

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