Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I read today's paper about the US warning Malaysia against politically motivated investigation against the previous DPM and could not help feeling offended in the interfearance in our country's affair. The US is still treating other countries as though we are their colonies and do not have the ability to administer our country and do not practice the rule-of-law after 50 years independence.

This is the country who thinks that she has the moral high ground to tell others to act one way but never practice what she preaches. This is the country who refuses to sign the Kyoto Protocol but goes around complained about global warming while producing one of the highest carbon emission in the world; refuses to ratify declaration against cluster bombs and land mines because she wants to have an edge in military might; talks about democracy and self-determination by the people of every country in the world but has no problem destabilising any government who does not dance to its tune through covert actions or supporting the opposition parties in that country eventhough the opposition parties themselves do not comply with the values that they preached; fabricated evidence in order to justify its invasion of Iraq and practices double standard in a lot of other cases.

It is not fair to assume that the government is automatically guilty of conspiracy whenever it involves the opposition parties without due process in investigation by the Police. What ever happens to the innocence until proven guilty which is practiced in the US courts? Surely, it is applicable everywhere else in the world including Malaysia, right? The same goes for every citizen in Malaysia when an allegation was made by anybody. The trend i see nowadays as though the opposition can make any allegations against the government, the government is straight away assumed guilty and corrupted, and everybody started to jump on the bandwagon including some NGOs, the issues flared up in front pages, Malaysia gets bad publicity, stock market plunges and the man on the streets suffer losses in business.

The government voted by the people is not perfect and so is the opposition. Lets hope that these two parties are not so busy going after each other's throats that they forget that there a bunch of people called the Rakyat that they are accountable to, the People who voted them hoping to see changes that affect their lives for the better, the People who hope to be served by their MPs as promised by them during the election, not wasting time throwing rhetorics in Parliment and elsewhere and accuse each other of all sorts of unproven allegations. While difference of opinion on policies and practices is healthy and part of democracy, lets hope we do not go overboard and lose something bigger - our sovereignty, as there are other countries who are more than happy to intervene in the name of democracy to 'help' the citizen of Malaysia from 'oppression' anytime.
Lets let the process of law take its course without any interfearance from anybody, especially from people who do not practice what they preach.

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