Monday, October 20, 2008


"Villainy wears many masks, nothing worse than the mask of virtue" said Johnny Depp in the Sleepy Hollow movie i watched last night. Wow, what a great line!

In reality that saying holds true in many instances. We have seen how greed and passion even got the best of the rich and respected members of the society. Some are businessmen, politicians and even royalties. They got involved in many scandals that defies belief. The latest trends is using the mask of religion to gain respect and positions and to support one's cause.
In Muslim countries, putting up a robe and keep a beard automatically earn a respect as you appear to be a pious man, religiouslly trained and should be respected. However, there are many occassions that this technic is used for the wrong reasons to achieve personal agendas. There are syndicates going around collecting donations at local mosques by men in robes claiming that the money will be channelled to the orphanage etc. Sometimes they would go house to house especially in the rural areas where the folks are unsuspecting and naive. Those more sophisticated, would organise to make it look as though they are legitimate religious organisations, by forging fake approvals from certain ministry for their activities.

I wonder whether these people have any conscience and knows what is right and what is wrong. They believe that as long they are not caught right handed it is alright. I guess money and personal gains are more powerful motives that outweigh the risks.

In the political world, especially in Malaysia, politicians also wear many masks to achieve their agendas. Their masks can be changed daily depending on issues brought up by the media and what are there to gain. Today they are in the ruling side wearing one mask, tomorrow they are on a different side wearing different masks. Then there are those always wearing the same masks and always on the same side, the only thing to wonder is whether the masks they wear are actually representing their true selves.

I think the public have to be weary and not to be too trusting nowadays when evaluating other people personalities and beliefs by not putting too much weighting to their exterior facades and the titles they hold. Nowadays we see lot of villains drive Mercedes cars to commit robbery, some cases of misusses of funds by the people with the titles MD, Dato or Tan Sri, and sexual crimes committed by some religious schools teachers with the title of Ustaz. Even there a few cases where some members of the Police Force got into trouble as reported in the papers. But, there are still a lot of good people left in this world to give hope to the human race that all is not lost, good will prevail over evil.

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