Monday, October 27, 2008


I went to a Hari Raya open house on Sunday which also fell on the Deepavali Day held by my malay neighbour in the condo i just moved in. I hardly know him but have talked to his friendly wife on the way to the lift one day and she invited me and my family to attend.

Upon entering the crowded hall i was a bit uneasy as i didnt know most of the crowds let alone the MC. My neighbour introduced me to her charming husband and we helped ourselves to the buffet line.

I could not help but notice among the crowds the different races of the attendees -Malays, Arabs, Chinese and Indians. It is more glaring that some of the Indians are very cheerful and acting like a co-host welcoming and wishing the guests. I am very pleased to see that the spirit of friendship is still alive and strong among Malaysians despite what has happened recently in relation to the government's decision to ban Hindraf as an unlawful organisation. I guess not everybody in Malaysia prescribes to extreme idealogies and methods to resolve one's grouses. Open House by various ethnics can help bring the people closer and strenthen the relationship and should be continued. We can have our differences but must not allow it to divide us and cause hatred.
To our Indian friends, i would like to wish Happy Deepavali to all.

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