Thursday, September 18, 2008


Malaysia is under siege right now in my opinion.

Never before in our 51 years of independence, we as a nation and one people face a crisis in politics, race relations and economy to this extent. We are paralysed by the daily political charades played by the talented politician actors, bombardment of negetive news on racial sentiments which leads to the decline of our economy. When we are preoccupied with all these problems, the other important things become secondary and we cannot progress as a nation. Everything will slowdown and everybody will suffer.
Our economy is the lifeline of the people. You screw it up badly, you will see the effect down the chain and everybody from the mega corporations down to the vegetable sellers will scream, and that includes me and you too. As it is, the people on the streets already losing faith on our leaders especially after the petrol price increase. It is the impression on the streets that our PM has not managed the economy and our country well, compared to the previous administration ,and lack leadership when it is mostly needed. The signs are all over the place, you can hear it in coffee shops, internet, SMS messages in local newspapers and blogs all over the country.
Too much emphasis was given to the Opposition parties and their propagandas which are meant to cast doubts in the people's hearts about their government, rather than to ignore and just focus on running the country. This is made worse by the medias constantly paying up the issues everyday. The Opposition are also to blame for over indulging in political games instead of becoming a responsible and constructive Opposition party like in the UK.
The political uncertainties by everyday political issues has left a bad impression on foreign investors who eventually will withdraw their millions of dollars of investments and go somewhere else, and at the same time put off potential investors to our countries. The after effect will be cancelled projects, factories closures and massive retrenchment of workers. You and me will lose jobs or have to take a pay cut for our companies to survive. Our loans for the cars and properties cannot be serviced and we will eventually lose things that we worked so hard to get. Financial troubles are also a major cause for divorce cases in Malaysia which is on the uptrend nowadays.
All of this is for what? Why do we need to suffer so some politicians can fulfill their ambition to rule the country out of greed for power and money? Those in power are trying their best to cling to it as long as possible regardless how bad they performed. Those opposing will promise the heaven and earth to the people to takeover the power to fulfill their ambitions. If they are too busy defending their posts or fighting for other people's posts, where do they find the time to govern and improve the economy? This situation in my opinion represents a clear and present danger to our country and needs to be pinned right in the butt!
We do not want to be under siege with political games forever and see our economy goes into a state of depression like the US faced in the 1930s.
Is one man's ambition and interest worth the suffering of 26 million citizens? I dont think so! I think it is time to heal this country and move on as we have a lot of work to do.

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