Sunday, September 14, 2008


Funny, i had just commented on 11 September 2008 about certain laws in dire need of review and how some decisions by the authority in imposing policies or laws were done in haste and leave a bad impression on them. Kaboom !! the ISA is used again on three individuals last week.
I personally feel one of the three was asking for it as that person had been walking on thin ice by being provocative despite so many warnings from the authority. The other two i am not so sure.
I am not here to argue the arrest per say, but the timing of it. The usage will add heat to already tense political situation in this country. Funny, the Law Minister in the Prime Minister Department start to condemn the usage, i thought the PM is supposed to sign the arrest warrant if the ISA were to be used?, unless i am wrong. So, i am sure he will consult somebody right? So, why the conflicting support and condemnation from the same group?
However, i think the ISA should remain albeit maybe with minor amendments on when it is allowed to be used by the Police. I dont know why we should get rid of it as it might serve some purpose. I think those who are scared of it are those who are up to no good. The United States also has the Homeland Security Act that was passed after 9/11 2002 that allows detention of her citizens and even extricate other countries citizens against their wish in the name of internal security and fight against terrorism. The majority of detainees are of Arab origin and Moslims. Yet, i dont hear DAP, the Bar Council, PKR, PAS or Malaysian NGOs complained or make a case about it, funny huh? Why? Is it because it doesnt affect them directly? But, i thought they are fighting for justice, surely it is applicable anywhere else in the world. Singapore also has it with a different name and now even Britain is having it in a different format after the bombing at the train station.
I think the law is not a problem, it is the interpretation of when and for what to use it is a dicey issue. The majority of Malaysian on the streets are not bothered by this law, some dont even know what it is and couldnt be bothered, it is those who thread on the thin ice who are worried because one day they will be next if they are not carefull. So, do not play with fire if you dont want to get burnt!

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