Thursday, August 14, 2008


With the current tension prevailing in Malaysian state of politics where almost any Tom, Dick and Harry is making public statements on sensitive issues, i think it will be a good idea for everybody to cool off and lay low and lets the situation diffused before anything untowards occur.

In their over zealous way of trying to do good through open public forums touching on special priveleges of certain ethnic group and religion which they themselve do not fully understand, the Bar Council is pushing the situation to boiling point and can cause an explosion of objections which can be difficult to control later on. Sooner or later, others will start to hold forums of their own questioning other ethnic groups and religions and inviting other demonstrations. While the intention may be good, there are many ways to skin a cat the saying goes. If they all could be more respectful and sensitive towards the interested group or groups feelings, they could do it differently and achieve the same goal. What they need to avoid is the feeling that they are the only ones that know the laws and constitution that only them can champion the rights of the aggrieved parties, and therefore they can ignore the PM's plea not to hold it in the open. The problem with holding the forums in the open is the level of understanding of the attendees of the law and constitution that they are about to discuss as some of them have very little knowledge and can become emotional in airing their problems. The Bar Council members themselves cannot guarantee that they are one hundred percent impartial on these issues. True enough, the Malays and the Moslim groups showed up and demonstrated to show their anger. Despite this, the Bar Council still did not rule out future forums in the open which shows their arrogant stance on the issue. At times through my observation, the issues and statements issued by the Bar Council and the opposition parties are almost identical that makes me wonder.
Before this issued cools off, the Selangor MB made another statement on the Uitm intake policy which brought another wave of objections from the students. I wonder whether anybody thinks first before making sensitive statements and think about the implications of what come from their mouth, or just could not care as long as he can score a few political points on the issue? We must avoid giving the perception to the Malays and Moslims that they are under siege on all fronts as this action will cause a reaction from them which can be very ugly.
We all need to take a brake from this political turmoil that seems to crop all over the place on almost any issues. Is there somebody orchestrating this for their personal interest? At what cost will it be to this country in the long run? Is it not better for all parties to take time off and lets the situation subside and discuss the issues in a professional manner?

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