Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Malaysian love politics and elections like soap operas i have observed. It is the truth. One fourth of the Star newspaper content is devoted to political issues, internal conflicts of political parties from both sides, police reports related to politics and so on.

The latest hot topic is the by-election in Permatang Pauh,Penang, after the Keadilan Party President DS Dr Wan Azizah resigned just after a few months in the office to make way for her husband to contest. While this process is part of democracy, i personally think that it is misuse at the expense of the people. Just imagine the trouble voters have to go through to go back to their home town to vote. They have to take leave to vote or otherwise they will lose their rights in choosing the candidate that can champion their cause. There will be mad scramble for bus tickets, train and driving home to vote. Nowadays when everything related to petrol price increase start to go up, it will leave a hole in everybody's pocket. Will the politician reimburse the people for their cost of travelling back to vote? Can you imagine if other MPs start to do the same for their constituencies in favor of their mentors or colleagues political careers? If this happens, when can the MPs start to work and focus on the people's problems?
By-elections should only be allowed for cases that involve death, retirement and court's instruction when there are fraud involved. If this misuse is rampant, then there is no meaning to having elections, and we can say bye-bye to this process which is the essence of democracy. Please put the people's interests above personal gain and start rolling our sleeves and solve important issues.

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