Sunday, April 27, 2008

Politics - World Conflicts Today

I read my papers everyday like i have been doing for so many years ever since i was a kid, and one thing has not changed since then, the world is in constant conflicts. What happened to us Homo Sapiens who are supposed to be more superior, intelligent and civilized than Home erectus or Neanderthal? Is it survival? Dominance? Power? Profit? Hatred?
Human has been killing each other ever since Adam's children fighting for thier prettier cousin, up till today and will be doing so until doomsday if nothing is done to stop it. Is it in our nature to kill? Animals only kill for survival and food. What do human kill for?
There are countries who promote peace but there are those who do not want conflicts to end or start new conflicts because it is profitable for them to do so. Their defense industries rely on conflicts to sell their weapons. Billions of dollars being spent on R & D to find lethal and more efficient way to kill other humans instead of on ways to break the barrier of mistrust, misunderstanding, disputes,and increase cooperation for the good of mankind.
It is sad that we cannot get ourselves from this rut as mankind and give a better world for future generation, my kids and your kids included.

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