Tuesday, September 15, 2009


As always after almost a month fasting the Hari Raya fever is getting more intense when the Muslims start to do last minute shopping and preparation for the big day on 1st Syawal. Eventhough the economic slowdown is still lingering in this country it does not stop Malaysians from shopping and hunt for good bargains at popular shopping centers and street shops.

Of course it also attracts the parasites of the society to hunt for their food - pick pockets, muggers, snatchers etc. Yesterday my sister in-law became another victim to the bag snatchers right in front of her house in broad daylight!

There are also those who take advantage of those who unlucky enough not to own their own rides by selling them fake bus tickets with inflated prices. These poor people only realised they were cheated when the bus never showed up. It happens almost every year, somewhere somebody got screwed and it robbed them of the supposedly enjoyable journey home to their villages, what a shame!

For those who are fortunate enough to own their own wheels it is a different story. Every year Malaysians die by the thousands on the road en route to their hometown or kampungs. It has becoming a trend to rush home ala Michael Scumacher by speeding zig zag through the traffic and ignoring the traffic rules. Some could not be bothered with traffic summons, why not? They only need to pay 50% at discounted rate on the net! I know some people who accumulated more than thirty traffic summons which cost thousand of ringgit and they still could not be bothered! I guess they will never stop until they die.

Well i guess it is the same year in and year out, Hari Raya can bring the best and the worse out of Malaysians who claim that they are a well behaved or bersopan society. I beg to differ as this part of our society is going through slow death. In our haste to pile up our wealth and
status in this material world some of us start to stop becoming nice and decent people, social ettiquette has gone down the drain. Some
Muslims have even forgotten the basic teachings of the Rasul s.a.w (peace be upon him), some young generation even abandoned them so
to appear " modern and progressive".

Well, i pray that all Muslims in Malaysia stay faithfull to the teachings of Islam so we can become a stronger Ummah in number and in our belief. I would like to wish all Muslims Selamat Hari Raya maaf zahir batin especially my friends and ex- staff at Sunrise Bhd. Please be patient in adversity and be focus to achieve success.

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