Wednesday, April 16, 2014


First of all my condolence to the husbands, wives, sons and daughters,parents and relatives of the passengers of the lost MH370. I have been following the progress of the SAR from day one and hope that one day it will be found and the truth on what caused it to disappear will come out and bring closure to this sad episode.Let the authorities do their job along with the 26 other countries who chipped in to help locate the MH370. The answer will be in the "Black Box" and once they find it let the truth be known. Meanwhile, i am very disappointed with all the speculations in the social media of conspiracy theories been thrown out all over the place without supporting facts, and also the foreign media using the episode to push their agenda toward the Malaysian government. Worst still those Malaysians who have no qualms painting bad pictures of the authorities in charge of the investigation with their bad comments over the internet. Even the head of the Opposition party going around giving interviews to foreign media giving the impression that the authorities was too slow to react in the initial stage of the search. While everybody is entitled to his own opinion, giving out opinions without knowing the facts or the background of what was happening would not help the situation at all and only complicates the effort to search the plane. The authorities cannot divulge every aspect of the investigation to the media or the public without verification first as it would cause confusion when what was released turned out false. This is not a tv reality show where the public get to see every aspect of the investigation streaming live on tv 24/7. I believed the authority constant media briefings to update them showed the transparent nature of the investigation.So lets be responsible regardless from which political divide we come from and let the authority do their job without distraction. There is plenty of room and time later for anybody who lost their loved ones in the MH370 disappearance to take matter up to the court for compensation. Meanwhile, i urge the authorities to look into the security aspects of the KLIA seriously. I am a frequent flyer and as a matter of fact through my last traveling to Europe from KLIA a few months ago, i could see the difference in the security checks before boarding is so much stricter in other airports like Dubai,Rome and Heathrow,London compared to KLIA. I found the security personnel and even the immigration officers at the KLIA seem too relax. I am not sure why, is it because we want to give the impression to the tourists that everything is so peachy and friendly in Malaysia and there is nothing to be worried about? I am sorry to say that i feel more assured when the security is tough and strict at the airport because we are dealing with a potential lost of lives when things go wrong in the air and we cannot come back and bitch about it to the airport security and airline company, right or not?In the Heathrow Airport, London, every single item my wife brought was scrutinized, i even had to taste the hot water my wife brought to make baby milk for my daughter to make sure it was not dangerous chemical or poison! In the KLIA it was never done, everybody happily boarded their flight except for the standard body scan and metallic object scan. Unless there is a super sophisticated infra-red chemical analysis scanner not seen by us being used by the KLIA without our knowledge,God knows what they missed. The thing it is better to be strict and safe so we passengers can sleep soundly and enjoy the eight hours flight without worrying for our lives. On the Black Box technology installed on-board the commercial air-crafts it seems that the technology used to construct them has not caught up with the time. In an era where you can stream data and video live across the world in real time we are still stuck with hard disk or chips on electronic boards stored inside a shock, heat and waterproofed container with a battery that only lasts a month and we can only know what is stored inside after we have recovered the Black Box and if we ever recovered it? The SAR of the MH370 is still ongoing in the Indian Ocean even after more than 30 days the plane gone missing. By now the battery would have died and the "ping" has stopped. In an area where the ocean depths are more than 4000 meter and where the technology to search at those depths using remote controlled mini-submarines available to a few advanced countries only the task is daunting and will take a long time indeed.Why cant the data be streamed live to a collection center like "cloud" and controlled by the relevant authorities, and the Black Box becomes the back-up in case something really go wrong? Why cant the life span of the battery be extended to five years in case the search for the wreckage takes more than a month like what happened to the Air France in the Atlantic? The battery technology is available as shown by the US DARPA project to put Upward Falling Payload(UFP) at the bottom of the sea for as long as five years and lay dormant until called upon to strike at the enemy underwater and surface vessels anywhere in the world oceans. If we have the technology to cause damage during a war why cant we use the same technology to help humankind for safe travel? I also like to recommend that live video streaming of the cockpit and passengers compartment using hidden cctv cameras in real time so that the flight can be monitored and steps can be taken in advance should anything bad happens during the flight. It is my hope that the SAR of the MH370 ends with the recovery of the plane and the Black Box so the truth of what happened to the plane, its crews and passengers be known and bring a closure to this sad episode. I also hope that a few lessons from this episode can be learnt and implemented by the authorities and aviation industry throughout the world so the MH370 did not perish in vain.